
SATENA Route Map - 54 routes

A route map of SATENA, which operates 54 regular flights at El Dorado International Airport, Olaya Herrera Airport, Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport, etc., is displayed. The number of routes in service ranks 2nd among airlines based in Colombia.

Last updated: November 20, 2022

Table of contents
Overview of SATENA
Air route map of SATENA
Customize the route map of SATENA
Airports served by SATENA

Overview of SATENA

Country of affiliation
Flag of COLColombia
Number of routes
Flights : 54   ( Domestic ranking 2nd)
Domestic flights : 52
International flights : 2
Number of airports : 39

Air route map of SATENA

You can zoom in and out on the map with the mouse wheel or pinch in/out.

Araracuara Florencia La Chorrera Apartadó Medellín Arauca Palonegro El Dorado Buenaventura Las Brujas Hacaritama San Luis La Macarena Mitu German Olano Inírida Contador Tres de Mayo Saravena San José del Guaviare Eduardo Falla Solano Tolu Tame Villa Garzon Villavicencio Bahia Solano Cali Guapi La Florida El Caraño Camilo Daza Yopal Caucaya Leticia La Pedrera Tarapacá Nuqui

Barranquilla Caracas El Dorado

Customize the route map of SATENA

You can customize the displayed route map. Please navigate to the customization page using the link below.

Customize SATENA route map

Airports served by SATENA

This is a list of airports with regular flights. The numbers in parentheses are the number of routes. Click the airport name to display the route map and timetable for each airport.

Flag of COLColombia
El Dorado International Airport (22)
Olaya Herrera Airport (7)
Alfonso Bonilla Aragón International Airport (6)
La Vanguardia Airport (5)
Gustavo Artunduaga Paredes Airport (4)
Alfredo Vasquez Cobo International Airport (4)
Tres de Mayo Airport (4)
Palonegro International Airport (4)
Araracuara Airport (3)
El Caraño Airport (3)
San Luis Airport (3)
Golfo de Morrosquillo Airport (2)
Jorge Enrique González Torres Airport (2)
German Olano Airport (2)
Reyes Murillo Airport (2)
Gabriel Vargas Santos Airport (2)
La Pedrera Airport (1)
Fabio Alberto Leon Bentley Airport (1)
Ernesto Cortissoz International Airport (1)
El Alcaraván Airport (1)
Hacaritama Airport (1)
Caucaya Airport (1)
La Florida Airport (1)
Santiago Pérez Quiroz Airport (1)
Eduardo Falla Solano Airport (1)
Guapi Airport (1)
La Macarena Airport (1)
Tarapacá Airport (1)
Antonio Roldán Betancur Airport (1)
Los Colonizadores Airport (1)
Camilo Daza International Airport (1)
Las Brujas Airport (1)
Villa Garzon Airport (1)
La Chorrera Airport (1)
Contador Airport (1)
César Gaviria Trujillo Airport (1)
José Celestino Mutis Airport (1)
Gerardo Tobar López Airport (1)
Flag of VENVenezuela
Simón Bolívar International Airport (2)
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