
France - Airline route maps and timetables for 52 airports and 19 airlines

Flight maps and timetables for scheduled flights at all 52 airports in France. You can also view route maps for 19 airlines based in France, including 304 routes for Air France and 40 routes for Air France Hop. Customization options, such as changing the background color and font size of the route map, are also available.

If you tap/click on the airport's location on the map or choose the link with the airport name or airline name, you can view the route map and timetable for the selected airport. The size of the circles on the map represents the number of departing flights from each airport.

Last updated: January 12, 2024

Table of contents
Overview of airports in France
Brittany airports
Normandy airports
Hauts-de-France airports
Île-de-France airports
Great East airports
Burgundy-Franche-Comté airports
Centre-Val de Loire airports
Pays de la Loire airports
New Aquitaine airports
Occitania airports
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes airports
Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur airports
Corsica airports
List of airlines in France

Overview of airports in France Flag of FRA

Number of airports / number of airlines
Airports: 52
Airlines: 19
Airport ranking with many routes
1st : Charles de Gaulle Airport - 260 routes
2nd : Orly Airport - 125 routes
3rd : Lyon–Saint-Exupéry Airport - 64 routes

Brittany airports

There are 5 airports15 routes in operation.

Normandy airports

There are 2 airports2 routes in operation.

Hauts-de-France airports

There are 1 airports5 routes in operation.

Île-de-France airports

There are 3 airports33 routes in operation.

Great East airports

There are 3 airports7 routes in operation.

Burgundy-Franche-Comté airports

There are 2 airports1 routes in operation.

Centre-Val de Loire airports

There are 1 airports1 routes in operation.

Pays de la Loire airports

There are 2 airports13 routes in operation.

New Aquitaine airports

There are 8 airports20 routes in operation.

Occitania airports

There are 9 airports27 routes in operation.

Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes airports

There are 4 airports18 routes in operation.

Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur airports

There are 4 airports35 routes in operation.

Corsica airports

There are 4 airports13 routes in operation.

List of airlines in France

There are 19 airlines based in France. Clicking on the company name will display a route map specific to that airline.

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