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Customize the route map of Houari Boumediene Airport

A map of 68 regular flights operated by 23 airlines, including Air France、British Airways、Air Algerie. You can customize the route map to hide unnecessary routes. You can also change the background color and character size.

Last updated: January 12, 2024

Table of contents
Select flights
Set Options
Display route map

Select flights

Below is a list of scheduled flights to and from Houari Boumediene Airport. If you change the check box and press the "Display route map" button at the bottom of the screen, the selected route will be reflected in the map.


AFR - Air France
BAW - British Airways
DAH - Air Algerie
DLH - Lufthansa
DTH - Tassili Airlines
FPO - ASL Airlines France
JAF - TUI fly Belgium
MSR - Egyptair
QTR - Qatar Airways
SVA - Saudi Arabian Airlines
TAR - Tunisair
THY - Turkish Airlines
TVF - Transavia France
UAE - Emirates
VLG - Vueling Airlines

Set options

You can create original air route map by specifying various options such as line thickness and map type.

  • Map type

  • Line type

  • Thickness of air route

  • Airport name size

  • Background color


Display route map

Press the button to create a route map with the selected conditions.


Go to top screen.

Please select a language.
