
Altay Xuedu Airport flight route map and timetable - 13 routes

Displays route maps and timetables for 13 regular routes from 7 airlines, including Joy Air, China Southern Airlines, and China Express Airlines. Altay Xuedu Airport is the 114th busiest airport in China in terms of the number of routes. You can customize the route map for free, such as changing the background color or hiding specified routes.

Last updated: January 12, 2024

Table of contents
Overview of Altay Xuedu Airport
Altay Xuedu Airport flight map
Customize the route map of Altay Xuedu Airport
Altay Xuedu Airport timetable
List of routes by airline

Overview of Altay Xuedu Airport

Altay, ChinaFlag of CHN
IATA / ICAO code
Altay Xuedu Airport (AAT / ZWAT)
Number of routes
Flights: 13   ( Domestic ranking 114th )
Domestic flights: 13
International flights: 0
Airlines: 7

Altay Xuedu Airport flight map

All flights are displayed on the map. You can zoom in and out on the map by using the mouse wheel on your computer, or by pinching in and out on your smartphone.

Altay Xuedu Xian Lanzhou Chengdu Guangzhou Urumqi Tacheng Yining Aksu Bole Turpan

Customize the route map of Altay Xuedu Airport

You can customize the displayed route map. Please navigate to the customization page using the link below.

Customize the route map of Altay Xuedu Airport

Altay Xuedu Airport timetable

Departure flights from Altay Xuedu Airport are displayed like a Japanese train timetable. Please use it as a reference for research, such as checking the number of routes and the number of flights by time zone.

Flight schedules change daily, so the information on our site may not be accurate. For the latest information, please check the airport website or the website of each airline.

 Departure time

List of routes by airline

Click on the airport name to display information on other airports.

CES - China Eastern Airlines
Flag of CHNXi'an Xianyang International Airport
CGN - Air Changan
Flag of CHNXi'an Xianyang International Airport
CQH - Spring Airlines
Flag of CHNChengdu Tianfu International Airport
Flag of CHNLanzhou Zhongchuan International Airport
CSN - China Southern Airlines
Flag of CHNUrumqi Diwopu International Airport
Flag of CHNGuangzhou Baiyun International Airport
GCR - Tianjin Airlines
Flag of CHNUrumqi Diwopu International Airport
Flag of CHNYining Airport
Flag of CHNTacheng Airport
HXA - China Express Airlines
Flag of CHNBole Alashankou Airport
Flag of CHNAksu Hongqipo Airport
UEA - Chengdu Airlines
Flag of CHNTurpan Jiaohe Airport
Flag of CHNBole Alashankou Airport
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