
China - Airline route maps and timetables for 251 airports and 43 airlines

Flight maps and timetables for scheduled flights at all 251 airports in China. You can also view route maps for 43 airlines based in China, including 945 routes for China Eastern Airlines and 862 routes for China Southern Airlines. Customization options, such as changing the background color and font size of the route map, are also available.

If you tap/click on the airport's location on the map or choose the link with the airport name or airline name, you can view the route map and timetable for the selected airport. The size of the circles on the map represents the number of departing flights from each airport.

Last updated: January 12, 2024

Table of contents
Overview of airports in China
North China airports
Northeast China airports
East China airports
Central and South China airports
Southwest China airports
Northwest China airports
List of airlines in China

Overview of airports in China Flag of CHN

Number of airports / number of airlines
Airports: 251
Airlines: 43
Airport ranking with many routes
1st : Shanghai Pudong International Airport - 431 routes
2nd : Chengdu Tianfu International Airport - 416 routes
3rd : Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport - 367 routes

North China airports

There are 34 airports1357 routes in operation.

Northeast China airports

There are 27 airports970 routes in operation.

East China airports

There are 47 airports2852 routes in operation.

Central and South China airports

There are 43 airports2445 routes in operation.

Southwest China airports

There are 51 airports1961 routes in operation.

Northwest China airports

There are 49 airports1240 routes in operation.

List of airlines in China

There are 43 airlines based in China. Clicking on the company name will display a route map specific to that airline.

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